Changelog ========= Here you can see the full list of changes between each Kuyruk release. Version 10.0.0 -------------- Released on 05-12-2023. - ``Kuyruk.connection()`` does not return new connection anymore. It returns the underlying connection. The connection is locked while the context manager is active. If you need to hold the connection for a long time, use ``Kuyruk.new_connection()`` to create a separate connection. Version 9.4.0 ------------- Relesed on 27-03-2020. - Fixed various heartbeat related bugs. Version 9.0.6 ------------- Released on 09-03-2018. - Removed support for Python 2. - Workers do not change process title anymore. - Removed ``reject_delay`` argument from ``Kuyruk.task`` decorator. - Removed task decorator syntax without arguments. - Improved heartbeat handling. - Worker does not retry on ``TimeoutError`` exceptions. Version 8.5.0 ------------- Released on 25-10-2017. - Added Windows support. Version 8.3.0 ------------- Released on 15-04-2017. - Added "Kuyruk.send_tasks_to_queue" method for batch sending. Version 8.2.0 ------------- Released on 22-02-2017. - Added delay for failed and rejected taks. Version 8.1.0 ------------- Released on 25-11-2016. - Added RabbitMQ connection timeout values to config. Version 8.0.0 ------------- Released on 23-11-2016. - Removed "queue" key from task description dictionary. - Improve error handling when closing connections and channels. Version 7.0.0 ------------- Released on 01-11-2016. - Removed ``local`` argument from ``Kuyruk.task`` decorator. Version 6.0.0 ------------- Released on 01-11-2016. - Changed ``WORKER_MAX_LOAD`` behavior. ``None`` disables the feature. Set to ``-1`` for number of CPUs on host. - Add argumens to worker command to override ``WORKER_MAX_LOAD`` and ``WORKER_MAX_RUN_TIME`` config values. - Renamed ``ConnectionError`` to ``HeartbeatError``. - Removed ``Task.run_in_queue`` method. Use ``Task.send_to_queue`` with ``wait_result`` argument instead. - Removed ``local`` argument from ``Task.send_to_queue`` method. Pass ``host="localhost"`` for sending to local queue. - Removed ``local`` argument from worker command. If queue name ends with ``".localhost"`` hostname will be appended to queue name. - Removed deprecated ``Worker.queue`` property. - Removed ``WORKER_LOGGING_CONFIG`` configuration value. - Added ``--logging-level`` to worker command arguments. - Removed ``Worker.config`` property. - Added ``message_ttl`` argument to ``Task.send_to_queue`` method. Version 5.1.0 ------------- Released on 26-10-2016. - Added ``Task.run_in_queue`` context manager for getting task results. Version 5.0.0 ------------- Released on 19-10-2016. - Removed ``kuyruk_host`` and ``kuyruk_local`` arguments from task calls. - Exported ``Task.send_to_queue`` method. Version 4.1.2 ------------- Released on 18-10-2016. - Fixed 1 second delay after processing a task. - Fixed a depreciation warning from recent version of amqp library. Version 4.1.0 ------------- Released on 11-03-2016. - Workers can consume tasks from multiple queues. Version 4.0.7 ------------- Released on 12-02-2016. - Export property for fixing a bug in kuyruk-manager. Version 4.0.6 ------------- Released on 08-02-2016 - Fixed a bug related with Python 2.7.11, uWSGI and setproctitle. Version 2.0.0 ------------- Released on 03-12-2014. This is major rewrite of Kuyruk and it is not backwards compatible. - Added Python 3 support. - Replaced pika with amqp. - Fixed multi-threading issues. - Removed master subcommand. - Removed scheduler subcommand. - Removed requeue subcommand. - Removed manager subcommand. - Exceptions are not sent to Sentry. - Failed tasks are not saved to Redis anymore. - Failed tasks are retried in the same worker. - Unknown keys in config are now errors. - Changed some config variable names. - Worker command takes Kuyruk instance instead of config file. Version 1.2.1 ------------- Released on 25-08-2014. - Fixed a worker startup bug happens when running workers as another user. Version 1.2.0 ------------- Released on 09-06-2014. - Added periodic task scheduler feature. Version 1.1.0 ------------- Released on 07-06-2014. - Added Task.delay() function alias for easy migration from Celery. Version 1.0.0 ------------- Released on 20-05-2014. - Use rpyc library for manager communication. Version 0.24.3 -------------- Released on 05-03-2014. - Reverted the option to give Task class from configuration. This caused master to import from user code. - Added sleep after respawn_worker to prevent cpu burning. Version 0.24.2 -------------- Released on 16-01-2014. - Added the option to give Task class from configuration. Version 0.24.1 -------------- Released on 13-01-2014. - Prevented 'close' to be called on a nonexistent connection. Version 0.23.3 -------------- Released on 15-09-2013. - Fix the bug about freezing processes on exit. Version 0.23.2 -------------- Released on 12-09-2013. - Fix unclosed socket error on manager. Version 0.23.0 -------------- Released on 30-08-2013. - Removed InvalidCall exception type. TypeError or AttributeError is raised instead. - If a kuyruk process exits with a signal, the exit code will be 0. Version 0.22.1 -------------- Released on 27-08-2013. - Master uses os.wait() instead of polling workers every second. Version 0.22.0 -------------- Released on 25-08-2013. - Use forking again instead Popen after fixing import issue. - Add "Quit Task" button to Manager interface. Version 0.21.0 -------------- Released on 17-08-2013. - Drop support for Python 2.6. - Switch back to subprocess module from forking. Version 0.20.3 -------------- Released on 10-08-2013. - Use fork() directly instead of subprocess.Popen() when starting workers from master. Version 0.20.2 -------------- Released on 03-08-2013. First public release.